Monday, November 2, 2009


Video film:
17.20 minutes
Profs. R. Sinha and U. Dayal, IIT Kanpur
Subject area:
Geotechnical Engineering, Geoenvironmental Engineering
Produced by:
TV Centre, IIT Kanpur
Sponsored by:
Flyash Mission, DST, New Delhi
Year of production:
India produces about 70 million tons of coal ash per year from burning about 200 million tons of coal per year for electric power generation. Coal-ash management poses a serious environmental problem for India and requires a mission-mode approach. Considerable research and development work have been undertaken across the country towards confidence building and developing suitable technologies for disposal and utilization of fly ash in construction industries. At present about 10% ash is utilized in ash dyke construction and land filling (a technology developed and pioneered at IIT Kanpur) and only about 3% of ash is utilized in other construction industries. This is very much in contrast with 80% or more fly ash used in developed countries for the manufacture of bricks, cellular concrete blocks, road construction, land fill application, ceramics, agriculture, insulating bricks, recovery of metals and cenospheres and dam constructions. Currently, about one acre per MW of land is needed for ash disposal.
Several pilot projects were undertaken in recent years to demonstrate the bulk utilization of fly ash specifically for Indian conditions. Also, it has been successfully demonstrated that fly ash can be utilized in major construction projects such as dams, ash dyke, landfills, roads and pavements, soil stabilization and for other purposes such as brick manufacture, cement industry, tiles, and paint industry. Realizing the large scale generation of flyash and its very low utilization, the Government of India set up the Flyash Mission under the Department of Science & Technology at New Delhi for coordinating all such efforts. A law has also been enacted in 1999 projecting 100 per cent utilization of flyash within a stipulated period and making it mandatory to use flyash for the purpose of road construction, bricks etc. within a radius of 50 km from coal based thermal power plants. In spite of an all-out effort, the flyash utilization in the country is still very low. There are several factors responsible for this namely, lack of awareness and confidence, higher production cost, non availability of dry ash, and most important of all, easy availability of land with top soil at cheap rates. This film highlights some of the successful projects using flyash across the country and is a humble attempt towards the confidence building exercise for flyash utilization.
Prof. D.V. Singh, Chairman, Flyash Mission, TIFAC, New Delhi.Prof. V.S. Raju, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Madras, Chennai (formerly Director, IIT Delhi)Dr. Vimal Kumar, Director, Flyash Mission, TIFAC, New Delhi.Mr. B.P. Mandloi, Member, MPEB, KorbaEr. R. Bose, NTPC, GM, KorbaEr. K. Kalidasan, AGM, NTPC, Korba.Er. A.K. Misra, Addl. Chief Engineer, MPEB, Korba.Dr. S. Chandra, CRRI, New Delhi.Prof. S.N. Singh, IIT DelhiEr. R.D. Gupta, Badarpur TPS, Badarpur.
Additional Resources on Flyash produced by IIT Kanpur
1. FLYASH DISPOSAL AND DEPOSITION: BEYOND 2000 A.D U. Dayal, R. Sinha, & V. Kumar (Editors) (1999)Proceedings of the National Conference on "Flyash Disposal and Deposition: Beyond 2000 A.D", 05-06 Feb. 1999.Available from: Narosa Publishing House, 6 community Center, Panchsheel Park, New Delhi - 110017.
2. Manual on "DESIGN, DEMONSTRATION AND MONITORING OF ASH DYKES"U. Dayal & R. Sinha (2000) Available from: Flyash Mission, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, New Delhi.
3. Manual on "UTILIZATION OF PULVERISED COAL ASH AS STRUCTURAL FILL" U. Dayal & R. Sinha (2000)Available from:Flyash Mission, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, New Delhi
4. GEOENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN PRACTICES FOR FLYASH DISPOSAL AND UTILIZATION U. Dayal & R. Sinha (2002, in press)Available from:Allied Publishers (P) Ltd., 1/13-14, Asaf Ali Road, New Delhi - 110002

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Proud to be a civil engg

Civil engineering is the broadest of the engineering fields. Civil engineering focuses on the infrastructure of the world which include Water works, Sewers, Dams, Power Plants, Transmission Towers/Lines, Railroads, Highways, Bridges, Tunnels, Irrigation Canals, River Navigation, Shipping Canals, Traffic Control, Mass Transit, Airport Runways, Terminals, Industrial Plant Buildings, Skyscrapers, etc.
Civil engineers build the world’s infrastructure. In doing so, they quietly shape the history of nations around the world. Most people can not imagine life without the many contributions of civil engineers to the public’s health, safety and standard of living. Only by exploring civil engineering’s influence in shaping the world we know today, can we creatively envision the progress of our tomorrows.
First “Civil Engineer” was an Englishman, John Smeaton in 1761.
Fall of 1886, “State College” (UK) established civil engineering degree.• John Wesley Gunn of Lexington received first Civil Engineering degree from A & M College (UK) in 1890.

Civil Engineering Disciplines
As a Civil Engineer a vast world of imagination and dreams are opened to us.The Field of civil engineering is so vast that one cant limit itself to any particular field and excel without having a proper knowledge of other related fields.
To Conclude we can say that “Civil Engineering is a Renaissance field that requires the knowledge of many disciplines. ”
Below we have a list of disciplines one can choose from:
* Bridge Engineering
* Construction engineering
* Environmental engineering
* Fire protection engineering
* Geotechnical engineering
* General engineering
* Hydraulic engineering
* Materials science
* Piles Engineering
* Structural engineering
* Surveying
* Timber Engineering
* Transportation engineering
* Water resources engineering
Browse through the website to find out more on specific fields

Civil Construction In India

Facts About Construction In India
# Sardar Sarovar Dam being executed by the group is the third largest in the world for volume of chilled concrete to be placed -nearly 7 million cum.
# Indira Sagar a 1000 MW Power house is the second largest surface power house in the country.
# Nathpa Jhakri a 1500 MW Power House is the largest underground power house in India.
# Tehri Dam is the third tallest rockfill dam in the world, and the largest in Asia invloving placement of over 25 million cum of all types of fill material.
# Baglihar Hydroelectric project involved construction of 30km of project road along with three bridges.
# Brahmaputra Guide Bund completed in a record time of 7 months..
# Alimineti Madhva Reddy Irrigation project is the longest underground face to face tunnel in the world.

Engineering Quotes
“The road to success is always under construction”Get it right….CIVIL ENGINEERS
We shape our buildings, thereafter they shape us.- Winston Churchill

Coin Spirit Ghost Story

Hai guys this a good story about a spirits by a girl Bhairvi.
Good Story but Unbelievable

It's a true story. I'm a female from India and my name is Bhairvi. I'm only 18 and the story which I'm sharing with you is completely true, I swear but no one is ready to believe it.)Me and my best friend, Pramita were crazy about spirits. We developed our concentration power and tried to call spirits in coins. Well, this is possible. We can communicate with the spirits by calling them in a coin and making a chart. We used to do this daily and used to talk to different souls.One day, we called a soul in the coin. His name was Jack. He did come but he never returned...We used to do this stuff in my room itself. The same night, I went to sleep upstairs in my room alone, because I had a great big fight with my sisters. I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes. I was crying. I felt a hand wiping my tears. When I sat up and opened my eyes, I actually saw Jack. "Oh my god"...I remember that feeling when I saw him. He was not like the spooky ghosts we see in the pictures, but he was like a complete man. He had blue eyes, dark golden hair; he was tall and very fair. He was the most handsome guy I ever met. He wiped my tears and talked to me. I was scared and couldn't speak. Then he told me that he's Jack. I still remember his words..." Bhairvi, I'm Jack. I was waiting for this day for so long. I love you, I love you so much."But I couldn't say a word. He tried to come close but I pushed him back and ran downstairs. For three nights, I slept with my sisters. On the fourth day, I found my hair open, and my earrings were missing from my ears. I had some sort of scratches on my body. Then, I felt someone touching my hair and I saw Jack beside me. He didn't make love to me, but he did touch me horribly the other night. He knew everything about me. My problems, my sadness and he shared everything...He used to come everywhere with me - even shopping. We became great friends. We slept together (just slept nothing else), and talked to each other. The worst thing was that he could touch me anytime, but it was impossible for me to touch him. I know this may sound a bit strange. But it's true.One day, me and Pramita called our friend (I don't want to write her name). We wanted to call a spirit again. But the spirit didn't come in the coin; Jack entered into the body of my other friend. Actually she belonged to a Rakshas Kul, which means Spirits Can Enter Into Her Body. We Hindus believe that people belong to either Dev Kul or Rakshas Kul. Dev Kul is its opposite. Anyway, me and Pramita actually saw my other friend's eye color changing and even her shirt color. She completely looked like Jack. Jack wanted to take me to his world and wanted me to sleep. But my friend Pramita didn't let me because she understood that Jack wanted to harm me. He tried to make me sleep, but Pramita took my friend away from my home. Then, she went to someone who knew how to take the spirits out of one's body and now she's fine (but, I still never meet her because I'm scared).Now, she says that Jack doesn't exist in this world anymore...but, I still feel that someone is looking at me...I'm feeling the same right now.-
Psychic Reading

Posted By : Prashanth

Activated Sludge Process

I feel highly delighted with the way my article has complied and completed. It is a matter of pride for me that I worked for a very loving and caring institute who is totally devoted to develop the technical and human resource skills.

Any accomplishment requires the effort of many people and this work is no different. The recent industrial trip to Rajpura Water Treatment Plant and Patiala Distillery helped me in understanding and hereby presenting my report. I am indebted to my teacher MR K.S.BABU for guidance and organizing such a successful educational trip.

ROLL NO:107CE07029

· 1 Introduction
· 2 Purpose
· 3 History
· 4 General Principles
o 4.1 Definitions
o 4.2 Arrangement
· 5 Types of plants
o 5.1 Package Plants
o 5.2 Oxidation Ditch
o 5.3 Deep ShaftTM
· 6 Aeration methods
o 6.1 Diffused Aeration
o 6.2 Surface aerators (Cones)
· 7 References
· 8 External links

Activated sludge is a process in sewage treatment in which air or oxygen is forced into sewage liquor to develop a biological floc which reduces the organic content of the sewage. In all activated sludge plants, once the sewage has received sufficient treatment, excess mixed liquor is discharged into settling tanks and the supernatant is run off to undergo further treatment before discharge. Part of the settled material, the sludge, is returned to the head of the aeration system to re-seed the new sewage entering the tank. This fraction of the floc is called R.A.S - Return Activated Sludge. The remaining sludge, also called W.A.S - Waste Activated Sludge, is further treated prior to disposal. (W.A.S is also sometimes called S.A.S - Surplus Activated Sludge)
Activated sludge is also the name given to the active biological material produced by activated sludge plants and which affects all the purification processes. This material, which in healthy sludge is a brown floc, is largely composed off saprophytic bacteria but also has an important protozoan flora mainly composed of amoebae, Spirotrichs, Peritrichs including Vorticellids and a range of other filter feeding species. Other important constituents include motile and sedentary Rotifers. In poorly managed activated sludge, a range of mucilaginous filamentous bacteria can develop including Sphaerotilus natans which produces a sludge that is difficult to settle and can result in the sludge blanket decanting over the weirs in the settlement tank to severely contaminate the final effluent quality. This material is often described as sewage fungus but true fungal communities are relatively uncommon.
In a sewage treatment plant, Activated Sludge process can be used for one or several of the following purpose:
1. Oxidizing carbonaceous matter: biological matter
2. Oxidizing nitrogenous matter: mainly ammonium and nitrogen in biological materials.
3. removing phosphate
4. driving off entrained gases carbon dioxide, ammonia, nitrogen etc.
5. generating a biological floc that is easy to settle.
6. generating a liquor low in dissolved or suspended material
The activated sludge process was discovered by accident in Britain in 1913. Experiments on treating sewage in a draw-and-fill reactor (the precursor to today's sequencing batch reactor) produced a highly treated effluent. Believing that the sludge had been activated (in a similar manner to activated carbon) the process was named activated sludge. Not until much later was it realised that what had actually had occurred was a means to concentrate biological organisms, decoupling the liquid retention time (ideally, low, for a compact treatment system) from the solids retention time (ideally, fairly high, for an effluent low in BOD5 and ammonia.)
General Principles
Raw water = water entering the system
Mixed liquor = the mix of raw water and activated sludge.
Return activated sludge (R.A.S) = activated sludge extracted from the system and mixed with raw water to form the mixed liquor.
Waste activated sludge (W.A.S.)/Surplus activated sludge (S.A.S.)= activated sludge in excess that is extracted from the system to be directed to sludge treatment.
Sludge age = the average time biological sludge stay in the system. In simpler words, it can be defined as the average age of a bactery in the system.
The general arrangement of an activated sludge process for removing carbonaceous pollution includes the following items:
1. Aeration tank where air (or oxygen) is injected in the mixed liquor.
2. Settling tank (usually referred to as "final clarifier" or "secondary settling tank") to allow the biological flocs to settle, thus separating the biological sludge from the clear treated water.
This is illustrated in the following diagram:

Treatment of nitrogenous matter or phosphate involve additional steps where the mixed liquor is left in anoxic condition (no residual dissolved oxygen).
Types of plants
There are a variety of types of activated sludge plants. These include :
Package Plants
There are a wide range of other types of plants, often serving small communities or industrial plants that may use hybrid treatment processes often involving the use of aerobic sludge to treat the incoming sewage. In such plants the primary settlement stage of treatment may be omitted. In these plants, a biotic floc is created which provides the required substrate.
Package plants are commonly variants of extended aeration, to promote the 'fit & forget' approach required for small communities without dedicated operational staff. There are various standards to assist with their design
Oxidation Ditch

Oxidation Ditch at Pelican Bay State Prison in Northern California
In some areas where more land is available sewage is treated in large round or oval ditches with one or more horizontal aerators typically called brush or disc aerators which drive the mixed liquor around the ditch and provide aeration. These are oxidation ditches, often referred to by manufacturer's trade names such as Pasveer, Orbal, or Carrousel. They have the advantage that they are relatively easy to maintain and are resilient to shock loads that often occur in smaller communities (i.e at breakfast time and in the evening).
Oxidation ditches are installed commonly as 'fit & forget' technology, with typical design parameters of a hydraulic retention time of 24 - 48 hours, and a sludge age of 12 - 20 days. This compares with nitrifying activated sludge plants having a retention time of 8 hours, and a sludge age of 8 - 12 days.
Deep Shaft
Where land is in short supply sewage may be treated by injection of oxygen into a pressured return sludge stream which is injected into the base of a deep columnar tank buried in the ground. Such shafts may be up to 100 metres deep and are filled with sewage liquor. As the sewage rises the oxygen forced into solution by the pressure at the base of the shaft breaks out as molecular oxygen providing a highly efficient source of oxygen for the activated sludge biota. The rising oxygen and injected return sludge provide the physical mechanism for mixing of the sewage and sludge. Mixed sludge and sewage is decanted at the surface and separated into supernatant and sludge components. The efficiency of deep shaft treatment can be high.
Surface aerators are commonly quoted as having an aeration efficiency of 0.5 - 1.5 kg O2/kWh, diffused aeration as 1.5 - 2.5 kg O2/KWh. Deep Shaft claims 5 - 8 kg O2/kWh.
However, the costs of construction are high. Deep Shaft has seen greatest uptake in Japan, because of the land area issues. Deep Shaft was developed by ICI, as a spin-off from their Pruteen process. In the UK it is found at three sites: Tilbury, Anglian water, treating a wastewater with a high industrial contribution; Southport, United Utilities, because of land space issues; and Billingham, ICI, again treating industrial effluent, and built (after the Tilbury shafts) by ICI to help the agent sell more.
DeepShaft is a patented, licenced, process. The licencee has changed several times, but is currently (2007) Kvaerner
Aeration methods
Diffused Aeration

Fine bubble membrane diffusers in an aeration tank
Sewage liquor is run into deep tanks with diffuser blocks attached to the floor. These are like the diffuser blocks used in tropical fish tanks but on a much larger scale. Air is pumped through the blocks and the curtain of bubbles formed both oxygenates the liquor and also provide the necessary stirring action. Where capacity is limited or the sewage is unusually strong or difficult to treat, oxygen may be used instead of air.
Surface aerators (Cones)
Vertically mounted tubes of up to 1 metre diameter extend from just above the base of a deep concrete tank to just below the surface of the sewage liquor. A typical shaft might be 10Metres high. At the surface end the tube is formed into a cone with helical vanes attached to the inner surface. When the tube is rotated, the vanes spin liquor up and out of the cones drawing new sewage liquor from the base of the tank. In many works each cone is located in a separate cell that can be isolated from the remaining cells if required for maintenance. Some works may have two cones to a cell and some large works may have 4 cones per cell.

3. British Standard
4. Tilbury construction
5. Aker Kvaerner wastewater

External links
Steady-state activated sludge model
Various PhD theses on modelling activated sludge systems
Detailed algorithms for ASM1 and Takacs settling tank model
Metabolic activated sludge model

As soon as the world war 2 ended in 1945 the British has decided that it was time to get out of India officially .They also started drafting plans for independent India by transporting their wealth and materials to their motherland.

In 1940 at the Lahore conference a lawyer gave a call for separate Muslim nation , he none other than Mohammed Ali Jinnah .Mohammed Ali Jinnah was initially working with Indian National Congress (INC).

Although many freedom fighters like Nehru , Gandhi and many politicians and also many political parties like Mahasabha , including muslim parties like Khaksar of Allama Mashriqu also strictly opposed the partition of India .
After 1940 the relation between the hindus and muslims became weak .Many muslim activists began a major exit from Indian National Congress in 1940 after the Jinnah’s statements.

All India Muslim League founded at Dhaka in 1906, was a political party in British India that developed into the driving force behind the creation of Pakistan as a Muslim .

In 1942 muslim league gaining more power from northwest provinces and greater influence in Punjab Bengal .

In 1943 the Indian national Congress was calling for britian to quit India , but the All Indian Muslim League passed a resolution for them to divide India and quit.

In 1944 mahatma Gandhi was released from prision .Meetings reading the partition between Mahatma Gandhi and Jinnah was unsuccessful.

In 1945 transportation of materials from India to Britain were started mainly due to big failure of Britain in Worldwar2 hit the Britain prestige . But most of the muslim league and India political parties and also gandhi , Nehru said that it is not the right time to go out India . As the partition of India was the hard issue which can only handeled by british government. In this year the muslim league has participates in national and international issues independently.

In 1946 march “Cabinet Mission to India” was held by british in India by PM of UK,Viceroy of India and other famous scholars , historians were involved in this Cabinet Mission.
The mission was held with Indian National Congress and All Indian Muslim league as they are two largest political parties in India.
The main aim of this mission is to
1 Discuss and plan for the transfer of power from british government to Indian leadership.
2 Setting up of ferm constitution body in India.
3 Setting up a executive council.

Lord Wavell the viceroy of India in the cabinet mission began organizating the transfer to Congress League in june 16th of 1946. But All Indian Muslim league president Jinnah didn’t approve the plans .
In July 1946 Jinnah announced a press conference at his home in Bombay for the creation of Pakistan and also the muslim league was preparing to launch a struggle. The Jinnah said that 16th august would be the “DIRECT ACTION DAY” in Calcutta for the purpose of showing support for a separate muslim state and warned congress.


Rally started on the morning of the 10th August even before 10’o clock. The shops were being forced to close and there were many reports of throwing stones and brickbats.

The meeting began around 4pm through processions of muslims from all parts of Calcutta had started assembling. As the majority of population in Bengal are muslims. By raising this issue a political party called “Hindu Mahasabha” gave a call to INC for the partition of India and save the hindus by doing a long ralley and procession around the Calcutta. A hard rumour spread around the state that the muslims were attacking on hindus. Opposing this Hindu Mahasabha attacked on muslims around Calcutta continuously for many hours. Hence this day is also known as the “The Great Calcutta Killings”.

Result for this clash is 4000people lost their lives and more than 1lakh people lost their residents in the city of Calcutta and were left homeless.

After “The Great Calcutta Killings , Gandhi had tried to convence the hindus and muslims but the leaders who were along with Gandhi were apposed this meetings. The british government appoint a new viceroy as Mount Batten for India in 1947 february and also to transport the power and come back britian quickly.

A hard rumour(talk) spread along the country that the Punjab is going to mix with Pakistan after partition. The Sikhs who were opposed muslims from many years and they dosen’t want to make partner with muslims . Therefore all the Sikhs took the training for fighting against the muslims. They brought the harmful weapons and started attacking the muslims in Punjab, and an opposite for this attack muslims make many attacks on the sikh womens in Punjab.

Finally observing all these situations Jawaharlal Nehru also recommended the partition of India. According to a deal by lord Mount Batten the states having more population is considered as Pakistan and left states as India. But Jawaharlal Nehru stated that both the Punjab and Bengal the Indians are in much quantity therefore the two states should be divided into two parts each. Such that the Golden Temple should come into India.

According to the treaty the British government should be in India until June 1948, but after the meeting in Calcutta ,viceroy Lord Mountbatten officially stated that after 17th august 1947 India and Pakistan would be independent nations and after that day the British government is not responsible for any incidents and deals with both India and Pakistan.

the actual division between the two dominious were done according ti 3 june plan or Mount batten plan. The actual border between India and Pakistan was determined by Sir Cyril Radcliff, he was professionally a lawyer in England . the border line between India and Pakistan is also known as

Then All Indian Muslim league attacked on Sikhs and hindus in Punjab. Both hindus and Sikhs fight bravely with lost of many lives.and

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Monday, October 26, 2009

My HERO Vikram

John Kennedy April 17, 1966 (1966-04-17) (age 43)Paramakudi, Ramanathapuram district, Tamil Nadu, India

Other name(s) :Chiyaan, Kenny
John Kennedy (born April 17, 1966), better known by his stage name Vikram (Tamil: விக்ரம்), is a National Film Award-winning Tamil film actor. He is also a playback singer and dubbing artist. He made his debut in the 1990 film En Kadhal Kanmani, which was followed by a series of low-budget Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam films throughout the early decade. Following the failure of his early films, Vikram appeared as a dubbing artiste to prominent actors, whilst trying to find a breakthrough in terms of his acting career.[1] After the critical and commercial success of Sethu (1999) he has been part of numerous other commercially successful films and has earned major critical acclaim for many of his performances. During his years in the Indian film industry, he has won three Filmfare Awards, as well as securing India's most prestigious film award, by achieving the National Film Award for Best Actor.
some of Vikram's best-known films, Dhill (2001), Dhool (2003), Gemini (2002), Saamy (2003), Kanthaswamy (2009) remain some of Tamil cinema's biggest hits, performances in films like Sethu (1999), Kasi (2002), Pithamagan (2003) and Anniyan (2005) have won him critical acclaims and awards, making Vikram one of the most successful actors of Tamil cinema.
Vikram started his career in 1990 with En Kadhal Kanmani which did not do well.Then went on to do more then a dozen movies which did not do well in box office. He starred in Ullasam along Ajith Kumar.This film was produced by Amitabh Bachchan.
Tamil Nadu State Film Special Jury Award for Best Actor for Sethu (1999)
Filmfare Award for Best Actor for Kaasi (2001)
ITFA Best Actor Award for Gemini (2003)
Filmfare Award for Best Actor for Pithamagan (2003)
Tamil Nadu State Film Award for Best Actor for Pithamagan (2003)
National Film Award for Best Actor for Pithamagan (2004)
Filmfare Award for Best Actor for Anniyan (2005)

destop pics


Sweet Sneha Ullal

MY ACTRESS ((Snehaaaa.....))