Thursday, October 29, 2009

As soon as the world war 2 ended in 1945 the British has decided that it was time to get out of India officially .They also started drafting plans for independent India by transporting their wealth and materials to their motherland.

In 1940 at the Lahore conference a lawyer gave a call for separate Muslim nation , he none other than Mohammed Ali Jinnah .Mohammed Ali Jinnah was initially working with Indian National Congress (INC).

Although many freedom fighters like Nehru , Gandhi and many politicians and also many political parties like Mahasabha , including muslim parties like Khaksar of Allama Mashriqu also strictly opposed the partition of India .
After 1940 the relation between the hindus and muslims became weak .Many muslim activists began a major exit from Indian National Congress in 1940 after the Jinnah’s statements.

All India Muslim League founded at Dhaka in 1906, was a political party in British India that developed into the driving force behind the creation of Pakistan as a Muslim .

In 1942 muslim league gaining more power from northwest provinces and greater influence in Punjab Bengal .

In 1943 the Indian national Congress was calling for britian to quit India , but the All Indian Muslim League passed a resolution for them to divide India and quit.

In 1944 mahatma Gandhi was released from prision .Meetings reading the partition between Mahatma Gandhi and Jinnah was unsuccessful.

In 1945 transportation of materials from India to Britain were started mainly due to big failure of Britain in Worldwar2 hit the Britain prestige . But most of the muslim league and India political parties and also gandhi , Nehru said that it is not the right time to go out India . As the partition of India was the hard issue which can only handeled by british government. In this year the muslim league has participates in national and international issues independently.

In 1946 march “Cabinet Mission to India” was held by british in India by PM of UK,Viceroy of India and other famous scholars , historians were involved in this Cabinet Mission.
The mission was held with Indian National Congress and All Indian Muslim league as they are two largest political parties in India.
The main aim of this mission is to
1 Discuss and plan for the transfer of power from british government to Indian leadership.
2 Setting up of ferm constitution body in India.
3 Setting up a executive council.

Lord Wavell the viceroy of India in the cabinet mission began organizating the transfer to Congress League in june 16th of 1946. But All Indian Muslim league president Jinnah didn’t approve the plans .
In July 1946 Jinnah announced a press conference at his home in Bombay for the creation of Pakistan and also the muslim league was preparing to launch a struggle. The Jinnah said that 16th august would be the “DIRECT ACTION DAY” in Calcutta for the purpose of showing support for a separate muslim state and warned congress.


Rally started on the morning of the 10th August even before 10’o clock. The shops were being forced to close and there were many reports of throwing stones and brickbats.

The meeting began around 4pm through processions of muslims from all parts of Calcutta had started assembling. As the majority of population in Bengal are muslims. By raising this issue a political party called “Hindu Mahasabha” gave a call to INC for the partition of India and save the hindus by doing a long ralley and procession around the Calcutta. A hard rumour spread around the state that the muslims were attacking on hindus. Opposing this Hindu Mahasabha attacked on muslims around Calcutta continuously for many hours. Hence this day is also known as the “The Great Calcutta Killings”.

Result for this clash is 4000people lost their lives and more than 1lakh people lost their residents in the city of Calcutta and were left homeless.

After “The Great Calcutta Killings , Gandhi had tried to convence the hindus and muslims but the leaders who were along with Gandhi were apposed this meetings. The british government appoint a new viceroy as Mount Batten for India in 1947 february and also to transport the power and come back britian quickly.

A hard rumour(talk) spread along the country that the Punjab is going to mix with Pakistan after partition. The Sikhs who were opposed muslims from many years and they dosen’t want to make partner with muslims . Therefore all the Sikhs took the training for fighting against the muslims. They brought the harmful weapons and started attacking the muslims in Punjab, and an opposite for this attack muslims make many attacks on the sikh womens in Punjab.

Finally observing all these situations Jawaharlal Nehru also recommended the partition of India. According to a deal by lord Mount Batten the states having more population is considered as Pakistan and left states as India. But Jawaharlal Nehru stated that both the Punjab and Bengal the Indians are in much quantity therefore the two states should be divided into two parts each. Such that the Golden Temple should come into India.

According to the treaty the British government should be in India until June 1948, but after the meeting in Calcutta ,viceroy Lord Mountbatten officially stated that after 17th august 1947 India and Pakistan would be independent nations and after that day the British government is not responsible for any incidents and deals with both India and Pakistan.

the actual division between the two dominious were done according ti 3 june plan or Mount batten plan. The actual border between India and Pakistan was determined by Sir Cyril Radcliff, he was professionally a lawyer in England . the border line between India and Pakistan is also known as

Then All Indian Muslim league attacked on Sikhs and hindus in Punjab. Both hindus and Sikhs fight bravely with lost of many lives.and

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